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Renee Spellman
University of Arizona
Graduate Student (Doctoral)
I lived in Israel and the West Bank for ten years where I studied and taught English and Arabic. I completed my M.A. in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. I taught Arabic language to foreign exchange students at Al-Quds Bard University in the West Bank for three years. I returned to the U.S. in 2017 to start my PhD program in the School of Middle East and North African Studies at the University of Arizona. My interests include Palestinian youth, new literacy studies, language in online spaces, and the role of social media in Palestinian society. I have been working at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies as Dr. Lisa Adeli’s Outreach Assistant for three years. As an outreach assistant, all of my work directly relates to Middle East outreach. I create and edit educational outreach websites, disseminate information and opportunities to High School and Community College instructors, create flyers for public events, and advertise outreach events on social media. This past summer I was the project coordinator CMES’s National Endowment for the Humanities Institute entitled, “Understanding Middle Eastern Millennials through Literature, Culture, and Media.” Next summer, I will be the Scholar Escort of this trip and co-lead the program with Dr. Lisa Adeli. We will bring 14 high school and community college educators, who are either of Native American descent, work with Native Americans, or teach about Native American issues, to Jordan to learn about the social, linguistic, technology-related, and environmental issues facing Jordan.
Sub Areas
Geographic Areas of Interest
I Am Interested In Arabic Dialects And The Social
Digital Feminist Activism -Middle East
Middle Eastern Feminisms
Arabic (advanced)
Hebrew (intermediate)
MA | 2009 | Middle East Studies: Rothberg International School | Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Examining Palestinians’ literacy and social media practices, motivations, and linguistic choices Online Palestinian Women’s Activism: Reimagining the Public and Private Sphere Palestinian Feminist Activism in Digital and Non-Digital Spaces: Stances, Discourses, and Risks