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Ezgi Cakmak
Towson University
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Ezgi Cakmak is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice at Rutgers University and affiliated with the department of Africana Studies at Rutgers–Newark. She received her Ph.D. as a Benjamin Franklin Fellow of Africana Studies and History at the University of Pennsylvania. Before her doctoral studies, she worked with NGOs in the field of international migration and conducted fieldwork with African migrants in Istanbul. Her research interests include African slavery in the late Ottoman empire, identity formation and racialization processes in the early Turkish Republic as well as diaspora studies.
Sub Areas
Ottoman Studies
19th-21st Centuries
Turkish Studies
Islamic Studies
African Studies
Middle East/Near East Studies
Geographic Areas of Interest
Africa (Sub-Saharan)
Ottoman Empire
The History Of Slavery In 19th Century Ottoman Emp
Legacy Of African Enslavement In The Middle East A
History Of Nationalism And Identity Formation In L
Ottoman (advanced)
English (fluent)
Spanish (intermediate)
PhD | 2022 | Africana Studies | University of Pennsylvania
BA | 2011 | Sociology | Bogazici University
African Slave or African Servant?: A Discussion on the forms of “Free Labor” in Domestic Servitude in the Late Ottoman Empire Remnants of the Past: Encounters with the history of African slavery in the Early Turkish Republic “Real Slaves” of the Empire: Entangled Histories of Africanness and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire