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Gül Kale
Carleton University
Assistant Professor
2-641 Lyon Street South
Ottawa ON K1S3Z3
Gül Kale is trained as an architect and architectural historian. Before joining Carleton University as an Assistant Professor of Architectural History and Theory, she was awarded a Getty/ ACLS postdoctoral fellowship in Art History in 2018-2019. Her areas of expertise are architectural history and theory with a focus on the early modern Ottoman empire, and cross-cultural and global histories and theories of design and of the built environment in the wider Mediterranean world and the Middle East. She is interested in architecture’s relationship to diverse forms of knowledge and sciences from an interdisciplinary perspective. Her book-length project is the first critical analysis of the only early modern book written by a scholar, Cafer Efendi on Ottoman architecture entitled "Risale-i Mimariyye." During winter 2019, she has been an AKPIA associate at Harvard University. Her scholarship was also supported by postdoctoral fellowships from the University of Bonn’s Annmarie-Schimmel Kolleg and the Art Histories Program of the Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin. She has internationally conducted research as a visiting scholar at various institutes such as the Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florenz and the Art History Department of the Freie Universität, Berlin. She has also been a research affiliate of the McGill based research project, “Early Modern Conversions.” Her published and forthcoming articles appear in the journals Muqarnas, JSAH, RES as well as in edited volumes "Living with Nature and Things" and "The Mercantile Effect."
Architecture & Urban Planning
Sub Areas
Ottoman Studies
Turkic Languages
Turkish Studies
Urban Studies
13th-18th Centuries
Cultural Studies
History Of Architecture
History Of Science
Mediterranean Studies
Cultural Studies
Visual Cultural
Geographic Areas of Interest
Ottoman Empire
Architectural History And Theory, Art History
Cultural Exchanges Between Turkey & Europe
History Of Science
French (elementary)
German (elementary)
Turkish (native)
English (advanced)
PhD | 2014 | Architectural History and Theory | McGill University
MArch | 2006 | Hist & Theory of Archit | McGill U
MA | 2004 | History of Architecture | ITU
BSc | 2000 | Architecture | ITU
The aerial balance in scientific works and in action in the Ottoman empire Interaction of local surveying practices and European colonial surveyors in the Middle East, 17th-18th centuries