Orient-Institut Beirut
Rue Hussein Beyhoum 44
Zokak el-Blat
Till Grallert is a research associate at the Orient-Institut Beirut. He completed his Ph.D. in history with a thesis on the production of public space in late Ottoman Damascus at Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies in 2014. He currently works on a genealogy of urban food riots in the Eastern Mediterranean as a repertoire of contention between the eighteenth and the mid-twentieth centuries—titled “women in the streets!”—and on a digital edition of Mu?ammad Kurd ?Al?’s journal al-Muqtabas. His most recent publication is an essay on “Mapping Ottoman Damascus through news reports: A practical approach”, which was published in Elias Muhanna (ed.), Digital Humanities and Islamic & Middle East Studies (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016: 175–198).