Beethovenstr. 15
Seminary of History, Leipzig University
Stefan Rohdewald is Professor for East and Southeast European History at the University of Leipzig. He focuses on urban history, discourses of remembrance, and entanglements between the Ottoman Empire, Eastern and Western Europe. His publications include “Vom Polocker Venedig.” Kollektives Handeln sozialer Gruppen in einer Stadt zwischen Ost- und Mitteleuropa [„About the Venice of Polotsk”. Collective Action of Social Groups in a City between Eastern and Central Europe (Middle Ages, Early Modern Period, 19th century to 1914] (2005), co-editing Sport zwischen Ost und West [Sport between East and West. Contributions to Sports History in the 19th and 20th Century] (2007); Lithuania and Ruthenia. Studies of a Transcultural Communication Zone (2007); Kooperation trotz Konfrontation. Wissenschaft und Technik im Kalten Krieg [Cooperation despite Confrontation. Science and Technology in the Cold War] (2009); co-editing Das osmanische Europa. Methoden und Perspektiven der Frühneuzeitforschung zu Südosteuropa [The Ottoman Europe. Methods and Perspectives of Early Modern Studies on South-Eastern Europe] (2014); Götter der Nationen. Religiöse Erinnerungsfiguren in Serbien, Bulgarien und Makedonien bis 1944 [Gods of the Nations. Religious Figures of Remembrance in Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia until 1944] (2014). Entanglements between Eastern Europe and the Middle East are the topic of the latest co-edited book: Stefan Rohdewald, Stephan Conermann, and Albrecht Fuess, eds. Transottomanica – Osteuropäisch-osmanisch-persische Mobilitätsdynamiken. Perspektiven und Forschungsstand [Transottomanica – Mobility Dynamics between Eastern Europe, the Ottoman Empire and Persia. Perspectives and State of the Art] (2019). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress (open access): Related to this: Between 2017 and 2023 he will coordinate the priority program Transottomanica: East European–Ottoman–Persian Mobility Dynamics, financed by the German Research Foundation.
Sub Areas
Balkan Studies
History Of Religion
Ottoman Studies
Turkish Studies
Urban Studies
Geographic Areas of Interest
All Middle East
Former Soviet Union
Former Yugoslavia
Ottoman Empire
Mobilities Between The Ottoman Empire, Russia, Pol
Mobilities Between Persia, Poland-Lithuania, The O
Ottoman (intermediate)
Russian (advanced)
Bulgarian (advanced)
Turkish (intermediate)
| 2005
| Historical Seminary
| University of Zurich
Constructing Alliances beyond the Limits of Otherness: Warsaw and Istanbul vs. Saint Petersburg according to Piotr Potocki’s Embassy Report from 1789