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Seçil Yilmaz
University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor
Sub Areas
Ottoman Studies
19th-21st Centuries
Gender/Women's Studies
History Of Medicine
History Of Science
History Of Science
Queer/LGBT Studies
Middle East/Near East Studies
Turkish Studies
History Of Religion
Geographic Areas of Interest
Ottoman Empire
Mediterranean Countries
Islamic World
PhD | 2016 | History | The Graduate Center, CUNY
MA | 2005 | Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History | Bogazici University
BA | 2003 | History | METU
Franchised Science, Royalized Practice: The Bakteriolojihane-i Hümayun and the World around it in the Late Ottoman Empire Diagnosing Shame, Healing Fear: Manuals for Young Men How to Protect themselves from Syphilis in the Late Ottoman Empire Unnatural Love: The Pathology of Desire during the late Ottoman Period Negotiating Love in the Late Ottoman Period “Licensed Microbes:” Public Morality, Gender, and Prostitution in Ottoman Istanbul during and after the World War I Becoming Riza Nur: Selfhood, Desire, and Life in Hayatim ve Hatiratim IUD Alliances: Transnational Politics of Family Planning in Turkey in 1960s