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Sevinc Turkkan
University of Rochester
Primary Phone: (217) 766-7201
University of Rochester
Department of Religion and Classics Rush Rhees 428
Rochester, NY NY 14627
United States
Sevinç Türkkan specializes in Translation Studies and modern Turkish Literature. She holds a PhD and MA in Comparative Literature and Translation Studies (Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) and BA in Western Languages and Literatures (Bogaziçi University-Istanbul). Her research and teaching interests include modern Turkish literature and culture, Turkish-German literary relations, translation studies, multilingualism, immigration, and global world literary studies. She is the co-editor of Approaches to Teaching the Works of Orhan Pamuk (MLA 2017) and the translator of Asli Erdogan's The Stone Building and Other Places (City Lights Books 2017). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Translation and Literature, Teaching Translation, Türkisch-deutsche Studien Jahrbuch, Orhan Pamuk: Critical Essays on a Novelist Between Worlds, Global Perspectives on Orhan Pamuk, Post-1960 Novelists in Turkey, Making Connections, International Journal of the Humanities, Crossing Borders with Foreign Language Films, and the Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory. Her literary translations from Turkish and German appeared in the Best European Fiction edited by Aleksandar Hemon (Dalkey Archive Press). She is at work on a book manuscript titled Translation Criticism and the Construction of World Literature.
Sub Areas
Turkish Studies
Middle East/Near East Studies
Cultural Studies
Gender/Women's Studies
Geographic Areas of Interest
Ottoman Empire
Mediterranean Countries
Translation Studies
Modern Turkish Literature And Culture
Comparative Cross-Cultural Studies
Bulgarian (native)
English (fluent)
German (fluent)
Turkish (native)
PhD | 2012 | Comparative Literature | University of Illinois-Urbana
MA | 2006 | Comparative Literature | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
BA | 2000 | Department of Western Languages and Literatures | Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Benim Adim Kirmizi and Cenneti Beklerken: Translation? Adaptation? Or, Fluidity in Terminology Orhan Pamuk's The Black Book: One Author, Two Translators Multilingual Identities and Fictions of Cultural Translation: Güneli Gün’s The Book of Trances (1979)