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Leyla Dakhli is a full-time researcher at the CNRS (France), presently working in Berlin (Centre Marc Bloch). She is a historian, and her work focuses particularly on the study of Arab intellectuals and cultural history of the South Mediterranean region. She defended a Phd on Syro-Lebanese Intellectuals (1908-1940) in december 2003 under the supervision of Prof. Robert Ilbert (Aix en Provence).
She is member of the scientific comittee of Le Mouvement social (PAris) since 2008 the International Review of Social History (Amsterdam) since 2015, and part of the web-journal La Vie des idées. She founded the European Society of Authors, dedicated to promote translation and ideas’ exchanges all around the world ( ).
Selected publications :
2016. « The Autumn of the Nahda in Light of the Arab Spring: Some Figures in the Carpet », in Arabic Thought beyond the Liberal Age, 1780s-1940s: Towards an Intellectual History of the Nahda, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 351-373.
2016. Le Moyen Orient, Paris, Point-Seuil.
2016. (avec Vincent Lemire) Etudier en liberté les mondes méditerranéens, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne.
2015. Histoire du Proche-Orient contemporain, Paris, La Découverte. Traduit en espagnol: Historia contemporanea de Medio Oriente. Detràs de los mitos, Capital Intelectual, Buenos Aires, 2016. Arabic Translation forthcoming Dar al-Farabi, Beyrouth.
2013. « The Mahjar as literary and political territory in the first decades of the twentieth century : the example of Amîn Rîhânî (1876-1940) », in Dyala Hamzah (dir.), The Making of the Arab Intellectual. Empire, public sphere and the colonial Coordinates of Selfhood, SOAS/Routeledge Studies on the Middle East, 2013, pp. 164-188.
2009. Une génération d’intellectuels arabes. Syrie et Liban, 1908-1940, Paris, éditions Karthala-IISMM.
With Vincent Lemire et Daniel Rivet, Proche-Orient : foyers, frontières et fractures. Vingtième siècle N°103, sept. 2009.
With Stéphanie Latte Abdallah, Des engagements au féminin au Moyen-Orient (XXe - XXIe siècles), Le mouvement social, N° 231, Avril-Juin 2010.
« Tunisia and Syria. Comparing Two Years of Revolution », in Middle East Critique, Volume 22, Issue 3, 2013. Special Issue: Special Issue: The Arab Uprisings of 2011
« Une lecture de la révolution tunisienne »,Le Mouvement Social, 2011/3 n° 236, p. 89-103. DOI : 10.3917/lms.236.0089
« A betrayed Revolution ? » :
Sub Areas
Cultural Studies
Gender/Women's Studies
Middle East/Near East Studies
Maghreb Studies
Geographic Areas of Interest
Intellectual History
Languages In The Modern MENA
Gender Studies And Women In The MENA
Arabic (native)
French (native)
English (fluent)
Italian (fluent)
German (intermediate)
| 2003
| History
| Université d\'Aix en Provence
From mutual understandings to multiple translations. Languages of Jerusalem at the turn of the 20th Century
Women at Work (Jerusalem, 1920-1936)