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Khaled Fahmy
Tufts University
Department of History
Tufts University
Medford MA 02155
United States
Khaled Fahmy is Sultan Qaboos Professor of Modern Arabic Studies at the University of Cambridge. He previously taught Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at Princeton, NYU, Columbia, Harvard and AUC. His academic publications include In Quest of Justice: Islamic Law and Forensic Medicine in Modern Egypt (2018); Mehmed Ali: From Ottoman Governor to Ruler of Egypt (2009); All the Pasha’s Men: Mehmed Ali Pasha, His Army and the Founding of Modern Egypt (1997); and The Body and Modernity: Essays in the History of Medicine and Law in Modern Egypt (in Arabic, 2004). Khaled has been active in the Egyptian Revolution from the very beginning. Shortly after its eruption in January 2011, he was appointed by the Minister of Culture to chair a committee to document the revolution within the National Archives. He also participated with civil society and human rights activists in drafting a new freedom of information law. His academic and journalistic writings, in both Arabic and English, can be found in his blog:
Sub Areas
Islamic Law
Middle East/Near East Studies
History Of Medicine
Arab-Israeli Conflict
Geographic Areas of Interest
Fertile Crescent
Egypt's Soc & Cult Hist
Legal Hist
Medical Hist
Arabic (advanced)
French (intermediate)
PhD | 1993 | Mod Hist | U of Oxford
Siyasa whispers and shari'a assertions: voice, personhood and legal change Translating modern medicine into Arabic: The work of Muhammad 'Umar al-Tunisi The Precarious State of Academic Freedom in Egypt The Great Theft of History: World War One and the Prelude to Revolution Egyptian Public Misinformation during the 5 June 1967 War