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Motasem Abuzaid
University of Oxford
Graduate Student (Doctoral)
Motasem completed his MA in Sociology at Marmara University and is currently enrolled in the Master's in Arab Studies (MAAS) program at Georgetown. He is primarily concerned with coercive formations in authoritarian regimes and how they intersect with sub-national and patrimonial affiliations. His MA thesis explored the politicization of the sect and tribe in post-colonial Syria and Iraq as inter-institutional compact actors. At Georgetown's MAAS program, he intends to further explore how variance in regimes can be determined through the interaction of these actors with social power forces and institutions -- the coercive apparatus in particular.
Political Science
Sub Areas
Arab Studies
Ethnic Groups
Political Economy
State Formation
Geographic Areas of Interest
All Middle East
Fertile Crescent
Political Violence
Coercive Formations In Authoritarian Regimes
Ideologies And Social Classes
Arabic (native)
English (fluent)
Turkish (fluent)
French (intermediate)
MA | 2022 | Arab Studies | Georgetown University
MA | 2020 | Sociology | Marmara University
BA | 2016 | Management | Şehir University
BA | 2015 | Psychology | Şehir University
Reassessing the Ascendancy of Assad and Hussien: The Institutional Blueprint of Authoritarian Resilience in Syria and Iraq, 1968–1979 Networks, Urban Space, and Mobilization in Hama and Aleppo Spearheading Local Mobilization: Social Structures and Insurgency in the Syrian Countryside Rebellion-Proofing: Three Decades of Authoritarian Learning and Collective Action in Aleppo