Anderson is the author of Pursuing Truth, Exercising Power: Social Science and Public Policy in the Twenty-first Century (Columbia University Press, 2003), The State and Social Transformation in Tunisia and Libya, 1830-1980 (Princeton University Press, 1986), editor of Transitions to Democracy (Columbia University Press, 1999) and coeditor of The Origins of Arab Nationalism (Columbia 1991). Past president of the Middle East Studies Association and past chair of the board of the Social Science Research Council, Anderson is also a former member of the Council of the American Political Science Association and served on the board of the Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs. She is member emerita of the board of Human Rights Watch, where she served as co-chair of Human Rights Watch/Middle East and member of the International Advisory Council of the World Congress for Middle East Studies. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2015. She received honorary doctorates from Monmouth University (2002) and the American University in Paris (2015).
Political Science
Geographic Areas of Interest
All Middle East
Comp Pol Of ME & N Af
Hist & Pol Of Maghreb
Pol Liberalization In Arab World
Arabic (intermediate)
French (intermediate)
Italian (elementary)
Spanish (intermediate)
| 1981
| Pol Sci
| Columbia U
Partisans, Students, Dynasties, Brotherhoods: Political Networks, Before and After States
Political Succession and the Next Generation in the Arab World: Perspectives from Libya
What the Arab Uprisings Have Taught Us about the Nature of Governance in the Arab World
Social Science Research in the Arab Middle East and North Africa: guidelines for the conduct of responsible, ethical and constructive social inquiry