Associate Professor
University of Bonn, IOA-Middle Eastern Studies and Languages
Bruehlerstr. 7
Gul Sen received her PhD in Middle Eastern Studies (2012) and her qualification of professorship (Habilitation) with venia legendi at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Bonn. She has been teaching at that university since 2010 and at the University of Heidelberg since 2020. During the spring semester 2022 she served as visiting professor for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Heidelberg. Her research covers both premodern and modern periods from 16th century to present day with a particular interest in history of the Middle East, Ottoman Empire, and the Republic of Turkey. She has published books, edited volumes, and articles in historiography, narratology, legitimacy of rule, transition periods, Arab-speaking provinces, maritime unfree labor, and galley slavery in the Mediterranean. Currently, she is working on the Ottoman captivity narrative of Necati Efendi on St. Petersburg in the late-18th century and on unfree labor at the Ottoman navy. For some of her publications, see: http://uni-bonn.academia.edu/GulSen
Sub Areas
Ottoman Studies
13th-18th Centuries
Mediterranean Studies
Middle East/Near East Studies
Turkish Studies
Geographic Areas of Interest
Ottoman Empire
The Levant
Mediterranean Countries
War Captivity
Forced Labor And Maritime History
| 2012
| Middle Eastern Studies and Languages
| University of Bonn
Galley Slavery in the Mediterranean: The Organization of Unfree Labor for the Ottoman Imperial Shipyards
Narrativity and Literariness in The Garden of Hüseyn. The Summary of the Tidings from the East and the West
Crossing Borders: Transottoman Semiospheres in Necati Efendi’s Narrative of Russian Captivity (1771-75)
“From Now on You Are Captives of the Russian State!” Narrating the Experience of War Captivity in the Eighteenth Century
Criminals and Forced Labor: Mobility Dynamics in the Ottoman Naval Arsenal (16th-18th Centuries)