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Sherine Hafez
University of California, Riverside
Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies
University of California, Riverside University Ave - 2021 INTN
Riverside CA 92521
United States
Sherine Hafez is Professor and Chair of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of California, Riverside. She is co-editor of the Journal of Middle East Women's Studies. Her published books include: The Terms of Empowerment: Islamic Women Activists in Egypt, (American University Press, 2003), An Islam of Her Own: Reconsidering Religion And Secularism In Women's Islamic Movements (New York University Press, 2011) and Women of the Midan: The Untold Stories of Egypt's Revolutionaries (Indiana U. Press 2019). Hafez is co-editor of, Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa: Into the New Millennium, (Indiana University Press, 2013). Her articles have appeared in American Ethnologist; Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society; Feminist Review; Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies and Journal of North African Studies. Hafez lectures on topics related to gender and subjectivity in the Muslim World, Islamic movements, women’s Islamic activism and the uprisings in the Arab World.
Sub Areas
Gender/Women's Studies
Islamic Studies
Middle East/Near East Studies
Geographic Areas of Interest
All Middle East
Islamic World
Islamic Mvmts
Post-colonial Critique
Women's Mvmts In ME
Arabic (advanced)
French (intermediate)
English (advanced)
PhD | 2006 | Anthropology | UC Davis
Unmapping the “Religious Subject”: The Heterogeneity of Desire in Women’s Islamic Movements in Egypt The “Girl in the Blue Bra”: Piety, Sexuality and State Violence in Revolutionary Egypt The Revolution Shall Not Pass Through Women’s Bodies: Egypt, Uprising and Gender Politics Creative Destruction: Neoliberalism and Gendered Corporeality in Egypt Interrogating the Entanglements of Gender and Sexuality in Legacies of Modernity