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John Curry
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Associate Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Dept of History, 4505 S Maryland Pkwy Box 455020
Las Vegas NV 89154-5020
United States
After receiving a B.A. in History and Sub-Saharan African Studies at Northwestern University in 1992, John Curry completed a dual-M.A. and Ph.D. program at The Ohio State University between 1995 and 2005 in both History and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. After teaching for one year as an instructor at Bowling Green State University, he was hired as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2006 and has now risen to the rank of Associate Professor. He has published *The Transformation of Muslim Mystical Thought in the Ottoman Empire: The Rise of the Halveti Order 1350-1650* with Edinburgh University Press (2010), and has co-edited a recent volume entitled *Sufism and Society: Arrangements of the Mystical in the Muslim World 1200-1800* with Routledge Press (2012) and fellow MESA member and co-editor Erik S. Ohlander. He has researched extensively in manuscript libraries and archives in Turkey, and has published a number of articles on topics in Ottoman history. His most recent contribution was to translate the Far Eastern and Indian Subcontinent sections of the Ottoman geographer and scholar Katip Celebi (d. 1657) from Ottoman Turkish into English as part of a UNESCO project. It will appear in 2013. He is presently on sabbatical in Turkey doing a second book project on a Fulbright grant.
Sub Areas
13th-18th Centuries
History Of Religion
Ottoman Studies
Mysticism/Sufi Studies
Geographic Areas of Interest
Central Asia
Ottoman Empire
Hagiography In The Ottoman Turkish Sources
Rel & Philos Thght In Ottoman Emp
The Halveti (Khalwati) Order Of Dervishes
Arabic (advanced)
Azeri (advanced)
French (intermediate)
German (elementary)
Ottoman (advanced)
Persian (elementary)
Turkish (fluent)
PhD | 2005 | History | The Ohio State University
MA | 1998 | History | The Ohio State University
MA | 1998 | Arabic Language | The Ohio State University
BA | 1992 | History | Northwestern University
Katip Çelebi's Discussion of European Expansion in the Cihânnümâ Seeking the remedies: Katip Celebi's presentation of useful medical remedies from the Far East and the Americas Katip Çelebi's Conception of the Indian Subcontinent and Indian Ocean World in the Cihânnümâ Ottoman Library Collections and Sufi Genealogies: A Case Study of the Nasuhi Branch of the Halveti Order The Sufi and the Captain: How the Nasuhi Order Survived a Late Seventeenth-Century Crisis Formation of a Sunni Orthodoxy or an Ongoing Negotiation? Making Sense of the works of Cemal el-Halveti (d. 1499) and Karabaş `Ali Veli (d. 1686) The Extraordinary Life of Mezemorta Huseyin Pasha: Corsair, Captive, Dey, and Admiral