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Campaign Priorities and Polarization in Elections in Turkey
Current scholarship on Turkish politics has focused on the worrying trends regarding the developing dominant party system and polarization. Though social polarization is clearly evident in society and among the political elite, exemplified by the inability to form a coalition government after the June 2015 national election, has such tensions manifested themselves in election priorities of the major political parties? This study will examine the language of the campaign manifestos of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the Republican People’s Party (CHP), the Nationalist Action Party (MHP), and the Peoples’ Democracy Party (HDP), to see if priorities and language in manifestos change across elections as polarization has increased. Literature on Turkey has previously observed that successful parties in Turkey have tended to mobilize voters by pragmatic appeals to sociotropic or egotropic concerns. By analyzing party strategic priorities in elections across time, we will be able to see how and if polarization changes campaign focus among the political elite. This might help us to tease out the extent to which polarized campaign speech-making by the political elites is a “heat of the moment” issue or part of more calculated considerations.
Political Science
Geographic Area
Sub Area
Turkish Studies