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The Misconception of Communitarian Norms and the Khaleeji Identity: The Breakdown of the GCC in the midst of Ancient and Contemporary Threats
Numerous common denominators amongst the oil-rich Arab countries - markedly surpassed by the Khaleeji identity - assisted in forming the coalition of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). These states primarily located within the Arabian Peninsula share the same cultural traits, tribal structures, and loyalties, which made the formation of such a coalition an effortless transition into an agreement of symbiotic visions for the future of the region. Presently, the GCC has been undergoing a myriad of inner conflicts and power struggles that has come as a shock to many outsiders, as the GCC states began to diverge the future goals for their countries – due to fundamental changes in self-definition and differing viewpoints of the possible threats of the “other”. The sudden departure of the State of Qatar from the GCC club revealed the weaknesses of the communitarian belief and value system of the Gulf countries and undermined the unique Khaleeji identity as a strong identity marker that would always unite the region’s people against a common threat. With the reemergence of Iran as a regional player and the spread of Shiite identity and politics via Islamist factions in the region; communitarian ideas and its weaknesses are highlighting the harsh reality of the minority Shi’ite residents in the GCC, and how undermining them has led to exacerbation of the breakdown of the GCC - as both a security community and a regional identity. This article analyses why the common Khaleeji identity and Khaleeji dialect was not sufficient in stopping the alienation of Qatar as well as the proxy war in Yemen; by providing a brief historical analysis of the history of Gulf identity in line with that of its influential neighbors Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Moreover, this article aims to examine why the GCC has failed to strengthen its communitarian structure, preferring to invest in their own individual strength and bilateral alliances with other states in the region and beyond. This paper will conclude with a list of possibilities and/or scenarios where the Khaleeji identity may once again help bridge the ideological differences in favor of communitarian cohesion in times of crisis
Political Science
Geographic Area
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Gulf Studies