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NOUR - Bridging Histories, Bridging Diasporas
Music and arts have been at the center of the endeavor of creating alternative spaces of coexistence in conflict ridden regions of the world, such is the case with Barenboim-Said foundation and West-Eastern orchestra made of Israeli, Arab and Spanish musicians for example. Despite the fact that nationalist historiographies have mostly been processes of writing the other off of history, musical and dramatic traditions have been silent reminders of a cross cultural and unifying space. This presentation will try to situate the experience of a polyglot musical band making music for/among several diasporas of post-Ottoman world and how polyglot music -albeit in a limited way- allows people of different and sometimes antagonistic nationalities to come together and interact in a concert hall, perhaps as a first step of imagining a post-conflict civic space. Emphasis will be placed on how musical practice can complete, post-nationalize and compete with existing dominant narratives of national historiographies. Part anthropological experience, part ethnomusicology project, part political imagination in the process of transitioning regimes, the presentation will also include visual and musical excerpts from a documentary produced by University of Minnesota and Minnesota PBS, TPT about the band’s music and the politics of making polyglot music in a multi-ethnic diasporic setting
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