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Social Entrepreneurs in Sidi Bouzid and Shaped Values. How social entrepreneurs obtain grant
In Tunisia, Social Entrepreneurship is one of the political priority to fix the rampant unemployment problem, especially in the poorest and marginalized governorates of the Center – West region. In Sidi Bouzid, the post-revolutionary period called « democratic transition » have highlighted new opportunities for local economic development. Those opportunities appear sometimes as individual strategies in order to improve living conditions of unemployed people. Lingare Sidi Bouzid is an association which takes care of young social entrepreneurs in tier project creation process. The association helps them to know how to start their own entreprise, to organize their plan and to know what « social » means. One of these steps is to obtain fundings. Several options are available : banks (Banque Tunisienne de Solidarité), personal funds (but most of those young people are economically disadvantaged) or competitions. Associations of funders organize meetings where young social entrepreneurs can promote thier project. The most convincing ones win grants in order to finalize the project. But these kind of competition oblige social entrepreneurs to conform their project to the requirements of different juries in terms of values, social goals, means, etc. To be as competitive as they could be, social entrepreneurs need to adopt some codes, in these particulars situations. Because fundings is key, people who don’t obtain grants put their project aside or give them up. This paper will examine how values or means are shaped by 1) the association (Lingare) in their workshops, and 2) by the competition on a causal relations between what entrepreneurs want (grants) and what they have to do for. For this paper, we will base our work on six fieldworks in Sidi Bouzid, during which we conducted semi-structured interviews with young social entrepreneurs, leaders of Lingare Sidi Bouzid, politicians, unionists, activists in civil society, and so on. We worked on a strong analysis framework : the first part was about the childhood and adolescence of these actors (school, family, …), the second part dealt with firsts political and economical sociabilization through political parties, associations, strikes, demonstrations, or the revolution. Finally, the last part of the interviews analyzed their professional careers and how social entrepreneurship works in Sidi Bouzid. We completed our study with several participant observation in Lingare Sidi Bouzid. We will also use statistics from the National Institute of Statistics.
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African Studies