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Iran’s Security Threats Along its Northern Corridors, and Implications for Its Look East Policy
Iran’s Look East Policy seeks to advance its security, to enable the country to serve as a corridor linking the Global South to Central Asia, the Caucasus and Far East Asia. But recently, the Pentagon declared Iran, along with Russia, to be a major global challenge. In addition, there are two major regional conflicts brewing in Iran’s northern borders, i.e. the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict and the war in Ukraine. Russia, the West, Israel and Iran are embroiled in these conflicts. This paper offers an overview of Iran’s regional foreign policy in its immediate north, and its threat perceptions. The research will include an analysis of primary sources in Iran explaining the country’s foreign policy toward Armenia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, immediate Iranian security and military concerns in the north, and how Tehran has addressed those concerns since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022 and the flare up of a major conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in September 2022. The paper will present a theoretical framework to explain how Iranian policies toward Armenia- Azerbaijan and Ukraine have shifted between the principles of proactive neutrality and offensive realism designed to secure Iran’s northern borders from external threats. The paper concludes by reviewing the role that the Russian-Iranian partnership plays to address those threats, their impact on Iranian-Russian relations, and possible wider implications for Iran’s Look East policy.
International Relations/Affairs
Geographic Area
Central Asia
former Soviet Union
Islamic World
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