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Gender and Generations in the Middle East: The Impact of Feminist Activism on Moroccan Youth
Abstract by Dr. Loubna Hanna Skalli On Session 107  (Feminism, Piety, Leftism)

On Saturday, November 20 at 08:30 am

2010 Annual Meeting

Women's movements and feminist activism in the Middle East and North Africa are the focus of an extensive body of research. Academic analysis has documented the historical roots of the movements, their achievements and constraints, and their dynamics of change and adaptation to local/global power structures. However, there is a remarkable academic silence around issues of gender, generations and intergenerational relationships. There is little understanding of how feminisms and women's activism play out in the lives and consciousness of the "neo-liberal generation" of youth born during/after the 1980s. My presentation addresses the following two questions by focusing on the specific case of Morocco: 1. In what ways are youth's gendered identities, subjectivities and life choices informed by discourses of women's rights and gender equity 2. How do recent gains in women's rights in Morocco resonate with the younger generation? To answer these questions, my presentation draws on two sets of data: in-depth interviews I have conducted with young men and women from multiple sites in Morocco; and large-scale surveys on youth views on gender equality and gender issues in the country. My analysis of the ethnographies and surveys demonstrate that the younger generation negotiates the legacy/gains of women's movements and rights activism in complex ways. I identify three interesting processes through which youth interact with, interpret and negotiate feminist ideas and women's gains. These processes of interpretation and negotiation, I argue, are mediated by the gendered identities of youth as well as the specific conditions of their lives. I also argue that these processes point to the complicated ways in which youth relate to women's movements and women's rights in general. Finally I identify important areas in gender and generational analysis that need to be addressed by scholarship on Middle Eastern Studies.
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Gender/Women's Studies