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An analysis of the Egyptian education system’s response to the COVID-19 crisis
In this paper, the Egyptian education system’s response to the COVID-19 crisis will be discussed in order to determine the successes and failures of the system’s attempt to face such a challenge. Egypt has gained international recognition in recent months for the apparent success of its educational strategies in response to the ongoing pandemic. For example, the World Bank hosted a webinar in July 2020, during which the Egyptian government’s official narrative on the successes of its education system was shared during a session titled, “Lessons Learned from Egypt during the Pandemic.” This narrative, presented by the Egyptian Minister of Education, champions Egypt for having implemented adaptations to its educational system in response to COVID-19 related challenges, and suggests that other countries might learn from Egypt’s example. This paper proceeds by describing the pre-COVID Egyptian education system in detail, followed by a description of recent adaptations and adjustments made in response to the ongoing pandemic. An analysis of the official government narrative related to the successes of Egypt’s education system is also provided. A comparison of the language used by the Minister of Education at international events, such as the aforementioned World Bank webinar, to the language he uses in local Egyptian media indicates there are contradicting narratives on this subject, depending on the Minister’s target audience. Finally, to test the credibility of the government’s official narrative on this matter, a survey is under development at the time of this abstract’s submission to be sent to Egyptian teachers. The results of the survey are intended to evaluate teachers’ perceptions of COVID-related changes to the country’s education system compared to the official government narrative projecting Egypt as a success story for how to navigate education-related challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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