Anti-Americanism is on the rise in the Arab World. A 2007 Pew poll found that majorities in eight Arab countries held unfavorable attitudes towards the US. According to scholars and analysts, the high levels of anti-Americanism across the region derive from two dominant sources--the effects of US policies in the region, and the "clash of values" between the West and the Islamic world. The last decade alone has witnessed numerous wars, a stagnant peace process, and a reversal in political liberalization trajectories across the region. Thus, citizens of the Arab world often attribute their dismal political standing to the interventionist role of the US in the region. Yet, a second group of scholars and analysts have posited fundamental ideological difference at the root of anti-Americanism. Does a clash of values indeed structure the civilizational divide between the two culturest
This paper first seeks firmly to ascertain the sources of anti-Americanism in the Arab region by relying on survey data from the Arab Barometer which includes data from seven Arab countries. The paper then examines the ways in which anti-Americanism has influenced patterns of Islamist and democratic political engagement. Finally, the paper concludes with a discussion on the potential for democratic gains if anti-Americanism is lessened across Arab states.