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Reappraising the “Arab Question” within Zionism: Evidence from four pre-1937 controversies between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi intellectuals
In his 2001 article “’A Question That Outweighs All Others’: Yitzhak Epstein and Zionist Recognition of the Arab Issue,“ Alan Dowty gifted the scholarly community with a full translation of Yitzhak Epstenin’s 1907 essay “A Hidden Question.” In his accompanying commentary on this important primary source Dowty additionally names Ahad Ha'am, Menachem Ussishkin, Leo Motzkin, Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau and Ber Borochov as Zionists who dealt with what was then dubbed the “Arab question.” Curiously, neither Epstein – nor Dowty a century after him – mentions a non-Ashkenazi Jew, or newspaper or any social or political organ that is non-Ashkenazi in origin, identity, composition or form. The prime aim of this paper is to explore the extent to which the crucial debate over the “Arab question” was indeed situated exclusively within Euro-Zionist circles. It suggests that arguments by non-Ashkenazi intellectuals are scant in the otherwise gigantic body of scholarship scrutinising the Palestine/Israel question, as conjointly produced on a global scale by Jews, Arabs, Zionists, anti-Zionists, post-Zionists and others. This otherwise heterogeneous, polarised body of scholarship is rather uniformly Ashkenazi-centric in its scholarly approach. As such, it tends to collectively ignore historical Middle Eastern Jewish views capable of fracturing the coherence that commonly typifies nationalist-informed teleological narratives. This paper’s reappraisal of the “Arab Question” within Zionism marshals evidence from four forgotten pre-1937 controversies between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi intellectuals: the 1896/1897 controversy between Prof Avraham Shalom Yahuda (1877–1951) and Theodor Herzl (1860-1904); the 1913 controversy between Dr Nissim Malul (1893-1957) and Ya‘acov Rabinovitch (1875–1948); the 1921 controversy between Hayyim Ben-Kiki (1887-1935) and Yitzhak Epstein (1863-1943); and the 1936 controversy between advocate David Moyal (1880-1952) and Labour leader Berl Katznelson (1887-1944).
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19th-21st Centuries