The defeat of the coup attempt of July 15, 2016 stands as one of the key markers in Turkey’s recent history. For some, the defeat of the coup attempt and the ensuing consolidation of power in and around President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has led to accusations that the coup was a ‘fiction,’ one managed for political benefit. For others, however, the defeat of the coup attempt has quickly become elevated to the level of epochal historical turning point, one on par with the Selçuk victory at Manzikert in 1071 and the Ottoman victory at Çanakkale in 1915. Regardless of one’s respective position on the coup attempt, one remarkable outcome has been the rapid memorialization of the coup attempt’s defeat. These sites of memory take multiple forms, ranging from renamed bridges, expensive complexes, public celebrations, YouTube videos, newspaper reports, to social media memes. This paper focuses on two such places of memory: The Martyrs’ Memorial [?ehitler Makam?] located at the Asian entrance to the recently renamed Martyrs of 15 July Bridge and a recently constructed washroom/site for ablutions [?ad?rvan] in the Istanbul district of Eyüp. While the connection of the first place to memories of the coup attempt seems obvious enough, this paper argues that focusing on the second place helps us also think about the kinds of transformations that have been necessary to forget parts of the recent past, above all the political and economic relationships between supporters of President Erdo?an and the Gülen Movement. It compares and contrasts the two sites’ forms, histories, and iconographies to shed light on the contested geographies of memory that continue to shape life in Turkey today.
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