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International Policy Orientations in Yemen Crises
Huda Mukbil will discuss how domestic and regional security concerns perpetuate Yemen's now eight-year war. International policy considerations must include resolutions to secure the disputed Saudi Yemeni borders, unrestricted passage of oil shipments, and humanitarian aid through the Babal Al Mandab. While the international community and the United States, in particular, can leverage multilateral relations with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for a negotiated political resolution with various stakeholders in Yemen, it must also find a winnable exit for Iran in Yemen. That will prove difficult given that Iran's regional ambitious and strategic calculus relied on an enduring war in Yemen. Deterrence initiatives must include diminishing Iranian weapons proliferation in the country and altering the cost-benefit analysis for Houthi militias groups. Huda will also discuss how the war in Ukraine and climate troubles exacerbate the need for immediate interventions to alleviate the suffering and humanitarian crises impacting Yemen.
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