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The Syrian Armenian Diaspora and Conflict: Analyzing Patterns of Influence
This research examines and analyzes the role of the Syrian Armenian diaspora in the Syrian conflict that occurred in an unstructured environment. The conflict parties in Syria are in a zero-sum situatioin. Each party considers the other as a threat and is prepared to act violently against the other. This article examines the conflict dynamics and the role of the Syrian Armenian diaspora that would depened on many factors, such as its strength and level of political organization in the host country, the issues at stake in the conflict, its ability to exert political pressure in the home country, and the international attention given to the conflict. The best way to explain its role in the conflict is to think about the various phases of the conflict and then evaluate the role that the diaspora played in each phase. The diasporic community's effects on the conflict can be defined as positive, negative and neutral. Combining the phases of the conflict with the possible arenas (political, military, economic and socio-cultural) and the effects of the diaspora on the conflict, this article provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing the role of the diaspora in the Syrian conflict.
Political Science
Geographic Area
Sub Area
Armenian Studies