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Understanding Social Media as a Text: A Case Study in Amman, Jordan
Abstract by Adam Syed On Session   (Undergraduate Research Poster Session)

On Thursday, November 17 at 4:00 pm

2016 Annual Meeting

In my research, I was interested in seeing how businesses and visitors make use of social media in distinct neighborhoods of Amman. My research was conducted solely through the Internet. I collected as much relevant information as I could online, which comprised of images, videos, and text. Aspects of interest included the demographics of visitors, menus, reviews, and the language being used in captions. My research suggests that depending upon where one is and the type of establishment being observed, the more different the emphasis is placed on social media usage for informational purposes. With a medium for people to speak about these places online, valuable qualitative information can be gathered about public arenas, which is an important part of Arab culture. I learned about the performance, power and the need for social media for businesses and people alike to communicate in Amman.
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