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Reclaiming Third-World Radicalism at a Neoliberal/Imperial University: Palestine, “Comfort Women,” and Zainichi Korean Justice
This paper is an auto-ethnographic reflection of my collaboration with and participation in AMED (Arab Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas) Open Classrooms conceptualized and organized by Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi and what it means to centralize the movement to defend AMED studies for (East) Asian/American redress/reparation/justice movements, including Zainichi Korean and “Comfort Women” Justice movements, in which I as scholar-activist have been involved over a decade prior to my collaboration with AMED Studies. The paper highlights how AMED Open classrooms, which offer a critical space for justice-centered and community accountable knowledge production, reinvigorate radical anti-colonial, queer, and feminist third-world coalition building since the 1960s and 70s, in our collective struggles against the transnational complex of imperial and ethno-nationalist states, including US, Israel, and Japan, and their attempts to institutionalize their imperial historical denialism at neoliberal/imperial universities and other institutions for knowledge production.
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