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Political Crime and the Mobility of Ideas in the Eastern Anatolian Cities During the Late Ottoman Empire (1878-1908)
This paper aims at discussing the definitions of political crime by Ottoman Government during the 1890s. It investigates the increased surveillance of urban Armenian populations in eastern Anatolia and how house searches were used to uncover evidence of “political crimes” linked to “Armenian Question”. The case of a school-teacher Sosy Hamparsomian (later Gabrielian) will be analyzed to explore the practices of the Ottoman Panel Code in relation to the political crimes in the article 54. This paper aims to examine the Ottoman legal system and policing technics with a critical security approach. Through the case of Sosy Hamparsomian this paper analyses threat perceptions, actors, norms, and the state’s approach towards the mobility of ideas in urban spheres. During the last two decades, a new discussion on transnational security regimes has emerged through the history of anarchism, police cooperation, extradition treaties, etc. However, this literature mostly focused on the European sphere. This paper aims at widening the discussion on these issues with putting Ottoman Empire in the center of this discussion.
Geographic Area
Ottoman Empire
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