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Turbulent From the Start Revisiting Military Politics in Pre-Ba'ath Syria
This study reconsiders military politics in Syria prior to the 1963 Ba?thi power grab in light of new sources. I undermine the presumptions that Ba?thi tactics of sectarian favoritism in the armed forces were unprecedented in post-independence Syria. I make the following arguments: first, attempts by the power elite to tame Syrian minorities were part of a broad sequence of events that spanned several regimes and informed politics in the Syrian officer corps; second, the various military strongmen who ruled Damascus intermittently from 1949 until 1963 distrusted minority officers and relied mainly on fellow Sunnis to exert control in the armed forces; and third, the combination of minority marginalization in Syrian politics and Sunni preferentialism inside the armed forces bred enmity and polarized sectarian relations in the officer corps.
Political Science
Geographic Area
Sub Area
19th-21st Centuries