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Kurds, the Armenian Genocide and the evolving relationship between both nations
“We Kurds, in the name of our ancestors, apologize for the massacres and deportations of the Armenians and Assyrians in 1915,” said Diyarbakır Mayor Abdullah Demirbaş in September of 2013. “We will continue our struggle to secure atonement and compensation for them.” Other Kurdish leaders have offered more qualified apologies for Kurdish participation in the Genocide. There are reasons for that: unlike the modern Turkish state—the direct successor of the Ottoman Empire, which carried out the extermination campaigns that culminated in 1915—the Kurds were not unified in a single entity and most were aligned with their respective clans, or aşirets, some of which did not take part in the atrocities. Moreover, Armenian and Kurdish relations have been mixed, and there have been several instances of cooperation between both peoples even in the early years after the Genocide, including forces sent by Sheikh Barzani to aid Armenia’s General Andranik in 1920 and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation’s support for the Kurdish Ararat Republic in 1927. Based on the Armenian-Kurdish history of conflict and cooperation in the 20th century, we will try to chart where relations between both nations are headed. Turkey’s Kurds started to adopt a more favorable stance towards Armenians in the early 1980s with the onset of the PKK uprising. But at the local level—in villages and towns in Eastern Anatolia—tensions persisted due to everything from gold digging to the kidnapping of Armenian women. And in the grand scheme of things, we will analyze whether a potential understanding the Kurdish leadership may reach with Turkey would be at the expense of their improving ties with the Armenians and their stance on the Armenian Genocide. The bibliography includes the following list, but is not limited to it: Barzani, Mesud: Barzani ve Kürt Ulusal Özgürlük Hareketi (I) Istanbul, 2003 Beşikçi, İsmail: Cumhuriyet Halk Fırkası’nın Programı (1931) ve Kürt Sorunu, Istanbul, 1991 Jihanian, Krikor: ՏԻԳՐԱՆԱԿԵՐՏԻ ՆԱՀԱՆԳԻՆ ՋԱՐԴԵՐԸ ԵՒ ՔԻՒՐՏԵՐՈՒ ԳԱԶԱՆՈՒԹԻՒՆՆԵՐԸ. Ականատեսի պատմութիւններ, Cairo, 1919 Jwaideh, Wadie: The Kurdish National Movement: Its Origins and Development, Syracuse, New York, 2006. Öcalan, Abdullah: Kürdistan: Devrim Yolu; Manifestosu, 1993 Sassouni, Garo, ՔԻՒՐՏ ԱԶԳԱՅԻՆ ՇԱՐԺՈՒՄՆԵՐԸ ԵՒ ՀԱՅ-ՔՐՏԱԿԱՆ ՅԱՐԱԲԵՐՈՒԹԻՒՆՆԵՐԸ . ԺԷ դարէն մինչեւ մեր օրերը, Beirut, 1969 Sayan, Celal: Le mouvement national kurde, 1918-1938, Paris, 2002
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