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"Mustafa Kemal Atatark's Military Thoughts on War, Leadership, and Duty, 1909-1918"
"Mustafa Kemal Atatark's Military Thoughts on War, Leadership, and Duty, 1909-1918" Scholars have not rigorously analyzed Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as a military figure. Such an analysis would involve a careful and systematic treatment of his military thought and action. Yet, it is in the conduct of war that Mustafa Kemal first gained fame. More attention to his military career would thus help enlighten understanding of this complex leader. In this, it is important to appreciate what Mustafa Kemal thought about his profession. This paper examines Mustafa Kemal's thoughts on war, leadership and duty by focusing his military writings prior to the War of Independence. These include the translation of two German tactical manuals into Ottoman Turkish, a letter written during the Libyan campaign, Conversation with 'Officer and Commander' composed in 1914 as military attachl in Sofia, a training manual to commander for the newly formed XVI Corps; and his report of 20 September 1917 as Commander of Seventh Army. Conversation with 'Officer and Commander' reveals Mustafa Kemal's ideas on the nature of war in some detail. His report of 20 September 1917 discusses the effects of war on human society. These two documents help explain Mustafa Kemal's attitudes toward to the importance of training in his commands and the character of his commands. The paper ends by placing significance of the above material into a larger context. Mustafa Kemal's ideas are compared to those of Carl von Clausewitz, Colmar von der Goltz, and the German tradition of war. Moreover, I look at how aspects of Atatkrk's understanding of military leadership carried over to his practice of political leadership.
Geographic Area
Ottoman Empire
Sub Area
19th-21st Centuries