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The Production of Knowledge in the AKP’s Creation of an Authoritarian System
The hegemony in the production of knowledge enjoyed by Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) – which has grown more and more authoritarian over its 13 years in power – has been a crucial factor in the AKP’s ability to maintain a high level of support among Turkish society. The present paper will examine how knowledge has been produced by AKP think tanks for the benefit of the ruling party and how this knowledge has been promulgated to society by media channels which have been completely transformed into AKP mouthpieces during the party’s tenure. In the process, knowledge deemed necessary for society has become restricted to whatever is approved by the ruling party. At the same time, the AKP has promoted itself as the only political entity representative of the national values of Turkish society, branding all oppositional voices as elitist, traitorous, and Islamophobic. AKP-affiliated think tanks as well as the AKP’s “organic intellectuals” have taken on a key role in the production of information and its diffusion among the population.
International Relations/Affairs
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Turkish Studies