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Rashid-e Tabib: Rshid al-Din Fazl Allah Hamadani's Medical Activities during his Political Career (694-716 / 1295-1317).
Khaja Rashid al-Din Fazl Allah Hamadani entered the Ilkhanid court as a physician along with his family in early Ilkhanid period. By the time he became more prominent as a political and administrative figure (Vizir) and not as a physician. It seems that his outstanding position in Ilkhanid court overshadowed his primary expertise as a physician in historical sources and consequently in new scholarship. According to this assumption present paper focuses on Rashid al-Din's activities and concerns on medicine during his prominent political career. For that, besides sporadic information in historical sources, his letters, his endowment (vaqf-namah) and his scholarly works will be investigated to show that in spite of his hardly engagement in political affairs as a high rank administrator, he seriously was following his concerns and studies in medicine and had a notable role in this field in medieval Iran and even in the world history of medicine.
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History of Science