In Europe, notions of Kurdishness are expressed through numerous types of activities including economic, social, cultural, and political practices. The Kurdish diaspora is increasingly diverse, yet continues to agree on challenging rigid definitions of membership, citizenship, and belonging. Euro-Kurds frequently articulate political ideas that are similar to those advanced in Turkey and Iraq, yet in the European context they reflect a re-envisioning of a cultural Kurdistan. While Euro-Kurdish communities have long demanded recognition as a separate ethnic group, their claims had not included the physical act of relocating to a territorialized Kurdistan. Instead many Kurds in the Diaspora imagined a cultural space that would be formed and shaped by members of their own community. How are European Kurds adjusting their perspectives of belonging and their perceptions of citizenship rights in an era of weakening nation-states, and at a time of Syrian state disintegration? This paper is based on interviews and secondary sources that explore how radical democracy in Turkey shapes European Kurdish views of a cultural Kurdish project during a period of political ascendance in the Middle East.
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