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Israel and the Persian Gulf: New Challenges in an Evolving Relationship
The approaching April 2019 elections in Israel will raise questions about the direction of Israeli policy concerning emerging relations with the countries of the Persian Gulf. Researchers often debate whether changes or continuation of policy are a result of a change in leadership or greater changes relating the position of a country in the world. For example, the Obama Administration's attempts to disengage from the Middle East prompted just such questions. But President Trump has in essence continued this policy, particularly where Syria is concerned. But relations are in fact determined by enduring interests. Israel and the Persian Gulf states have an enduring interest in confronting Iran, a policy shared with the US, and this interest will engender a continuation of policy regardless of who wins the elections. We can expect to see a tightening of relations, as Iran asserts its power in Syria and challenges both Israel and Saudi Arabia in the region at large.
International Relations/Affairs
Geographic Area
Arabian Peninsula
Sub Area
19th-21st Centuries