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Norms towards Gender Equality in the Arab World: Patterns over the Last Decade
How have norms towards gender equality in the Arab world changed across the last ten years? Across the Arab region we’ve seen noticeable changes in attitudes towards gender equality especially in the sphere of politics. More people across all Arab countries believe that women can assume leadership roles. However, growing levels of support for political leadership are not associated with egalitarian norms towards female leadership capabilities. Majorities across the region still believe that men make better political leaders than women. Further, women are still seen as inferior to men in many other social arenas. What explains these paradoxical findings? Which subsets of the population have made the greatest advancements in altering perceptions about gender egalitarianism? And among which segments have we witnessed stagnation? This paper will discuss these patterns by examining ten years of data from the Arab Barometer surveys.
Political Science
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