Scholarship that attempts to address the relationship between media and war tends to focus primarily on the links between communication and conflict, rather than on communication and peace (Hoffmann and Hawkins, 2015). This paper addresses this gap by exploring the role of media in the Syrian conflict and focusing on successful non-mass media outlets that promote counter-sectarian narratives and more inclusive discourse and which act as non-violent conflict resolution interventions in war-affected communities. Methodologically, I use multiple qualitative methods: 51 semi-structured in-depth online and offline interviews; online and offline ethnography; and document analysis.
I apply the interdisciplinary work of Bourdieu’s, Ortner’s, and Gibson-Graham’s to conceptualize “Syrian online spaces of possibilities.” Syrian violent conflict and displacement crisis shattered the social and cultural fabric of Syrian communities inside and outside the country. However, as Kraidy (2016) and Lynch, Deen, and Aday (2014) show the use of media for spreading political violence and terror is not received passively rather it is met with creative resistance. I focus on five case studies of successful media outlets (Enab Baladi, Radio Rozana, ARTA FM, Radio Souriat, and Diaspora Kitchen) which offer transformative possibilities to overcome the dominant culture of violence and sectarianism. Within the structure of media in the Syrian war, the five successful outlets represent online spaces of possibilities because in order to prevail, they had to overcome constraints like surveillance, imprisonment, displacement, and lack of funding. New communication technologies, offered the leaders of these outlets possibilities to network and secure funding so they can expand and sustain their outlets and activities of cultural resistance against multiple systems and structures of violence such as: authoritarianism, extremism, and sectarianism.
I argue that the “Syrian online spaces of possibilities” can act as non-violent conflict resolution interventions by alleviating the tension and any potential violence in the targeted communities. For example, after the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) started to gain control of large parts of the Jazira Region (in the northern parts of Syria, along the Turkish borders), there was tension between Kurds and Arabs, so ARTA FM collaborated with Enab Baladi to produce media materials to lessen the tension by encouraging healing and dialogue and focusing on the long coexistence and common history between Kurds and Arabs in Syria like mixed marriages, and joint trade and farming. The two media outlets also recruited respected voices from the Arab and Kurds communities to alleviate any possible violence.
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