Tanta llKettan wel Zeyoot was a company established in Gamal AbdulNasser’s 1954 within the backdrop of a care-taking public sector. The company, emblematic of many public sector companies, got privatized as part of the larger neoliberal state vision stemming with Anwar al-Sadat’s ‘Open Door’ policies, embedded and solidified later within the nineties Economic Reform and Structural Adjustment Program policies package. In 2011’s Egypt’s utopic revolutionary imaginary and moments of open-ended dreams, the labor movement appealed to court to revoke its privatization decree. In July 2011, Tanta llKettan gets reinstated to the public sector and the labor movement gets entangled in another ongoing series of struggles. Looking at a decade of political becoming mirrored in the longest labor movement in Egypt, one questions the naturalized epistemic categories that stratify resistance and create imaginaries of criteria that constitute ‘resistance’. Looking into ‘re-existence’ as practices of otherwise, the paper, using Tanta’s melancholic experience from 2008 to 2019, will read how revolutionary imaginaries gets reconstituted beyond mere end-goal-oriented changes (Mignolo 2011: 47; Brown 2002: 574).
The paper explores the following questions: how did this collective precarity influence the formation of a collective consciousness over resistance against the hegemony of the logic of neo-liberalism embedded in Capital [accumulation] and the State (Harvey 2004: 66)? How was the play manifested on the governmentality of time (i.e. its deferral, imaginaries creation over promises, contingencies, repetition) and contestations of space (seen as thrown-togetherness with reshuffling social relations) reflected in both State-Capital and workers strategies (Hage 2009: 56; Simone 2019: 4)? My methodology is based on oral narratives that I have personally conducted through my MA thesis fieldwork period between June 2019 and January 2020. This will also be complemented by archival research such as various newspapers coverage such as alSherouq and alMasry alYoum [two critical newspapers covering both state discourse over the struggle and labor’s efforts to render their struggle visible in media], labors personal documents which include their personal documentation efforts with labor statements, pictures, videos, court rulings, personal Facebook posts and company accounts paperwork.
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