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On Civil Wars, Refugee Camps and Children's Ordinary Lives
On Civil Wars, Refugee Camps and Children's Ordinary Lives This talk is about the content of the photographs that I took shortly after the war between Hezbollah and Israel in the summer of 2006, and in the Palestinian Refugee Camps between 2004 and 2009. The photographs portray the lives of children who had to deal with war's devastating realities intruding in their daily lives. Whereas the media typically covers the Middle East in a sensational manner: terrorism, bombings and kidnappings, the large majority of the inhabitants are just ordinary people going on with their everyday lives. War is only half the story; the other half, the aftermath, is often ignored and forgotten. It could be any war and any time. Once it ends, it fades from public attention. The people who lived and suffered through it become forgotten. They have to deal with the reality of their loss and the difficult task of rebuilding their shattered lives, while the world's attention moves on to the next crisis. Through my images I hope to honor the children of the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon who have dealt with the war's devastating realities intruding in their daily lives. These children have incredible capacity to adapt to their circumstances and to make the best of the little the camps offer them.
Art/Art History
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Middle East/Near East Studies