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Israel and the Arab World – Who's First - Syria, Egypt or Lebanon?
The "Arab Spring" which was followed by a short Islamic Winter has come to a temporary halt. In Egypt the army's return to politics and brought this country back to the point of departure, to the good old days of Husni Mubarak with one significant difference – Husni Mubrak the man, was replaced by General Sisi, as the kingmaker of the Egyptian politics. The Egyptian counter revolution of 30 June came as good news to Israel, which was able to maintain intimate military and security cooperation with the Egyptian military establishment against radical Islam in the Sinai peninsula as well as against Hamas government in Gaza. As for the northern front, Israel fall in love with the idea that Bashar al-Asad might survive the Syrian revolution after all, strong enough to keep the border between the two countries quiet and secure, but as the same time too week to pose any challenge to Israel. Israel also followed with interest the sinking of Hizballah into the bloody Syrian quagmire as well as the increased pressure on the organization inside Lebanon. It seems as the best Israel could ask for the year 2014 was that it would be as good for Israel as 2013 was.
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