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Obstacles to Successful Negotiations toward a Sustainable Peace: Investigation on Kuwait, Stockholm and Riyadh agreements
International peace brokers have attempted to resolve Yemen's conflict through multiple peace initiatives in good faith. However, all of the internationally-brokered seven initiatives did not meet their expectations. From the Peace and Partnership Agreement in September 2014, up until the "Riyadh Agreement" in November 2019, agreements continued to fall short as they were driven externally, not internally. Unfortunately, slow peace initiatives have often been unable to cope with the acceleration of field events on the ground. These failures are rooted in the disconnect between the international desire for peace and the local realities of conflict. This paper examines the factors that led to the inability to find a durable political solution to the crisis, the obstacles faced in implementing these solutions, and what resulted from their failure to achieve any substantive progress. The study analyzes the reasons that led to the non-implementation of agreements over the past decade and potential obstacles that will face any upcoming mediation process.
Political Science
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