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The Ambivalence of Religious Modernization: Women’s Education and Veiling Between Rashid Rida, Qasim Amin and Malak Hifni Nasif
Abstract by Yasser Sultan On Session 196  (Islamist Thought and Practice)

On Tuesday, November 21 at 8:00 am

2017 Annual Meeting

The early twentieth-century Egyptian feminist movement and its contemporaneous so-called modernist salafiyya movement are two relatively well-developed areas in Middle East historiography. However, despite their proximity in time and intellectual space, each of these movements has been studied separately, and the relationship between them seems to have escaped the attention of historians. By focusing on the discourses on women in the widely distributed al-Manar magazine, this paper aims at filling this lacuna. It is specifically concerned with connections between the leading Muslim “modernist” Muhammad Rashid Rida, and both Qasim Amin and Malak Hifni Nasif, two of the leading figures of the feminist movement. More specifically, the paper will shed light on al-Manar’s responses to Qasim Amin’s books Tahrir al-Mar’a and al-Mar’a al-Jadida as well as to some of Nasif’s speeches that Rida choose to publish in al-Manar. It will also juxtapose the views of the two feminist activists with those of Rida mainly on the issues of women’s education and veiling in order to demonstrate the points of similarities and differences between them. By approaching al-Manar through the lens of gender and through this juxtaposition of Rida’s views with those of Amin and Nasif, the paper argues that what came to be known as the modernist salafiyya movement, as far as women’s issues were concerned, lacked the coherence its very name suggests it possesses. It also challenges the view that Rida’s ideology changed towards the end of his life, moving more towards conservatism. The paper will demonstrate that Rida’s views on women had been largely “traditional” throughout his life. Although the paper’s main focus is the first ten years of al-Manar between 1898 and 1908, it will also make references to some articles published later that are germane to the subject matter. It will also refer to Amin’s two books in order to contextualize Rida’s responses thereto.
Geographic Area
Sub Area
19th-21st Centuries