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Rebels in the Caribbean: The Untold History of Palestinians in the Sandinista Revolution
The Palestinian and Sandinista revolutions in Nicaragua were deeply intertwined during the 1970s and 1980s. A number of descendants of Palestinian immigrants in Latin America and the Caribbean, mostly in Nicaragua, Panama, Belize and Colombia, fought together with the Sandinista rebels. Some Palestinian fighters were killed, while others were imprisoned and/or exiled. And some are still alive and remember to tell stories from the Sandinista revolution, although their political activity have abated over the years because of age and the dramatic decline in the cooperation that existed between the two revolutions, especially after Oslo. This presentation will investigate the history of Palestinian-Nicaraguan relations since the first wave of Palestinian migration to Nicaragua through the troubled decades of Sandinistas revolution and its aftermath. The discussion of this history will be based on a series of several personal interviews that I have conducted myself with members from the Palestinian community in Nicaragua, such as Suad Morcos Freij, a former member of the Sandinista revolution who moved to Lebanon with Arafat and Fatah between 1980 and 1982 together with her brother Jacob Freij, who was at the time the chief coordinators of relations between the PLO and the Sandinista. I will also discuss the testimonies of Khaled Salameh, a 81-year-old Palestinian immigrant living in Panama, who traveled extensively in Central America and had close to the Sandinista revolution.In addition to these unpublished oral accounts, I will utilize material from the personal of archive of Walter Sandino, the grandson of the Nicaraguan national hero, Augusto Sandino. This archive includes rare papers and photos that document the history of Antonio Dahud, a Palestinian who was born in Colombia in 1909 and died in Kuwait in 1969. Sandino’s archive features important historical documents that trace the ties between Augusto Sandino and Dahud, the visits of the latter with Fidel Castro in Cuba and the Mufti of Jerusalem. After outlining the history of the Palestinian participation in the Sandinista revolution, I will conclude by discussing the reasons for the decline in Palestinian-Nicaraguan relations, despite what these interviews and archives reveal about decades of close collaboration.
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Diaspora/Refugee Studies