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School Effectivness in UNRWA Secondary Schools in Lebanon: The Needs, Aspirations and Concerns of Young Palestinian Refugees Living in Lebanon
Abstract by Dr. Maha Shuayb On Session 175  (Being Palestinian)

On Monday, November 23 at 5:00 pm

2009 Annual Meeting

Education has always been of crucial importance to the Palestinians. It was a key tool for promoting and supporting their case through their intellectuals. However, several recent statistics revealed that the educational performance of Palestinian refugees have dropped significantly during the past ten years. This paper focuses on school effectiveness in UNRWA secondary schools in Lebanon. Lebanon is the only country where UNRWA offers secondary education to Palestinian refugees. This is due to the limited quota (10%) which Lebanon imposes on Palestinian refugees wishing to entre public schools and universities. The Lebanese regulations also ban Palestinians from working in 72 types of jobs in Lebanon. This paper reports the findings of a survey of over 400 students in their final year of their secondary school (Grade12). It covered five of the seven UNRWA secondary schools distributed over five of the largest refugee camps in Lebanon. The survey investigated students’ views on their learning experience, school environment, teaching methods, democracy at school, and the extent to which their school is addressing their individual academic, social, personal and emotional needs. The study also explored young people’s future academic and vocational aspirations, self-confidence, willingness to participate in their community, and their main concerns.
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Diaspora/Refugee Studies