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The proposed paper will be an attempt to study the theme of sukhan in work Su’āl-o-jawāb and the tradition of Ginans. The work Su’āl-o-jawāb is a transcription in Persian of a series of inter-faith dialogues that took place between the Mughal prince Dārā Shukoh, and a Hindu Yogi, Bābā Lāl Dās. Most scholars believe that the event took place in the year 1064 A.H./1653 C.E., in the city of Lahore. This paper is based on manuscripts of the text of Su’āl-o-jawāb – specifically a shorter manuscript identified as C. Lāl Dās explains the term sukhan-i murshid as a vehicle that takes the awakened soul on the voyage which reaches the destination of lahūt. The vehicle carrying the soul becomes the murshid. The equivalent to sukhan in Sanskrit is shabad which means a word. There are a few Ginans that deal with the same theme. For example, a long Ginan (Granth) of Pir Shams known as Braham Prakāsh has a similar understanding of the term shabad. The Ginan begins with the line that the true shabad is our master. This paper seeks to compare the idea of sukhan in the Su’āl-o-jawāb with the idea of shabad in the traditions of Ginans. The comparative approach will provide a better understanding of intertextual linkages. Moreover, it will shed more light on the mysterious personality of a Hindu Yogi Lāl Dās – perhaps a Shamsi Gupti of the 17th century.
Religious Studies/Theology
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