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Social Ostracism/Pressure and the Other: Results of a Study in Twelve Anatolian Towns
This paper will discuss the results of a study, based on in-depth interviews with 401 people with different identities, in 12 Anatolian towns and two districts of Istanbul. The identiy groups in question are the minority Alevis, women, young people who dress differently, people who do not observe Islamic practices, Kurdish students, students with a left ideological orientation, the Roma, Christians, and government employees who see their identity as “secular”. The study showed how people with different identities are considered as “the other” and subjected to ostracisim, social pressure and even violence. Although the study does not argue that the results show widespread intolerance, it nevertheless reveals serious problems in Turkish society that the goverment and opposition parties as well as intellectuals and the media have to address and search for means to create a more democratic and culturally plural society.
Political Science
Geographic Area
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