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George Gaulis (1865-1912) was a Swiss-born, French journalist-writer who lived in the Ottoman capital for many years during the reign of Abdulhamid II and the Second Constitutional Period. As a special correspondent and newspaper director, he recorded this period in his articles and books. The contents of his writings consist of important historical, political, diplomatic, economic, and social events of the time, and as primary sources, they provide a substantial treasury in terms of both volume and continuity. Georges Gaulis, whose articles were published regularly in the Parisian newspapers, Le Temps, La Revue de Paris, Journal des Débats and L’Opinion, and in the Swiss newspapers, La Tribune de Genève, Journal de Genève, Gazette de Lausanne worked also in the direction of the newspaper Stamboul, published in French in Istanbul. The two books, Les questions d’Orient [The Eastern Questions, 1903] and La Ruine d’un Empire, Abd-ul-Hamid, Ses Amis et Ses Peuples [The Downfall of an Empire, Abdulhamid, His Friends and His Peoples, 1913], and the countless articles he authored are unfortunately not yet sufficiently employed as primary sources for research on the late period of the Ottoman history. His articles on the Cretan Question, Greco-Turkish War of 1897, Macedonian Question, Tripolitania War, Albanian Question, and the outbreak of the Balkan War, as well as his letter-style kept notes and dispatches provide a rather unbiased approach towards these events. The prominent political, diplomatic, and military figures, most of whom he knew closely, also find a place in his writings and are described, nevertheless, briefly. I present this article as a preliminary study on the life, books and scattered writings of a special correspondent who deserves to be remembered and acknowledged.
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Ottoman Empire
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