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The Change in Public and Private Space as a Result of the PJD Victory in Moroccan Elections
The result of democratic elections in Morocco propelled to power the PJD Islamist Party, which has established a working relationship with the parallel institutions of the Makhzen, whose members maintain great powers. Much remains concealed in day to day decision-making within the government and its relations with the Makhzen, meaning that the transitions following the February 20th movement's pressures on King Muhammad VI and the state have not yet yielded the transparency that demonstrators hoped for. Most important decisions remain largely in the private realm. Parliament debates issues, but critical power escapes it. My paper will deal with the coming to power of the PJD government and if and how we might expect changes toward new forms of governance, including greater transparency as a result of the party's internal pressures and the growth of street politics.
Political Science
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19th-21st Centuries