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The Rise of the Houthi
Through examining the Houthi movement of Yemen using the social movement theory analysis approach I will investigate the identity, beliefs, and background of the Houthi’s of Yemen as a social movement. This approach will provide the opportunity to apply historical analysis to see into the roots of the Yemeni Houthi movement and the historical factors that lead to the group’s creation and popularity and offer perspective on the probable direction of a Houthi lead Yemeni government in the future. Beginning with the formation of an armed movement ten years ago this Shia group has been fighting government forces in the north of Yemen and the recent occupation of the Yemeni capital Sana by this group undoubtedly reshapes the power structure in Yemen or the foreseeable future. The rebels capitalized on widespread disillusionment with the previous government of Yemen that was viewed by the majority of the populous as ineffective and corrupt. The Houthi's have solidified their position of power following government violence against protesters leading to many deaths and strengthening support for the rebels. The recent flight of President Hadi in the face of Houthi advances and the launching of a Saudi lead air campaign targeting the Houthis has further complicated the situation in Yemen. The question I will explore further is the long-term viability of the group as a social movement and as a political power when considering identify, beliefs, and background of the group as a whole and the different regional and tribal factions that form the Houthi movement.
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